NextGen Pipeline – How to Get Them Excited About Your Association

Not seeing a wave of Millennials (and Gen Zs) lining up to join your association? What are you offering them? How are you communicating with them? What leadership roles are open to them?
Social equity, communication styles, workplace diversity, growth opportunities, and bilateral knowledge sharing are key elements for consideration as the association embarks on getting younger generations involved. If your organization is not looking to the future with the next generation being a huge component of the plan, then your strategic direction may be drastically off course. It’s all about equity and sustainability. How does your association measure up?
Here are some thoughts to consider:
- What technologies does your association implement to make knowledge sharing effective?
- What is your Board and Committee composition? Do you take an active role in making your organization diverse and inclusive? Are your members “aging out”?
- Is there an opportunity for less experienced members to share the expertise they bring to the table even if it is not from “traditional” industry sources? (Knowledge is no longer top-down, but rather bilateral and often, bottom up.)
- What forms of professional development is your association offering? Can certification lend credibility and make for a more effective workforce?
- Can your association help pave the way for younger professionals? Can you implement a scholarship program for up-and-coming stars in your field?
SMG has been working with our association partners to develop programs that help showcase the talents of a diverse workforce. From young executives programs to scholarship offerings to creating inclusive volunteer pipelines to DEI consulting … SMG can work with your organization to develop an equitable roadmap where your members and stakeholders evolve to become a sustainable driving force within your industry. Contact SMG to learn more.